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  5. Breezeblocks Modern Casual Signature
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Breezeblocks Modern Casual Signature

byMaulana Creative
September 2, 2019
Original price was: $15.Current price is: $13.
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Product Detail

Give your designs an authentic handcrafted feel. “Breezeblocks” is perfectly suited to signature, stationery, logo, typography quotes, magazine or book cover, website header, clothing, branding, packaging design and more. Included 84 ligatures.

File Includes:
– Breezeblocks (OTF)
– Breezeblocks (TTF)
– Web Font

Ligature Includes:
kl ly oo of ee ett ul fe ss oc yn ion ott ot ls mi mtt is in nd ol nt ntt mt ck ab cc ll mm op pp on ny tt gg kk dd gh ob mn nn ni so ca oy ct ch na be su en ma by ob und and ve end ex es em you ew ay on ce ms om os se ing re he or ia we rn ow at att et ut utt or

Thanks for use this font ~ Maulana


Product image of Breezeblocks Modern Casual Signature
Breezeblocks Modern Casual Signature byMaulana Creative
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